Guys, this is the new one from me....
Do you like flower? Yeah, almost all people like flower, especially female. Yeah, flower often be something special to express your feeling. Each flower has each meaning, do you know it?! So, in order to you don’t give wrong flower to someone,, I’ll give you the meaning of the flower. Actually, I got it from a magazine “Fantasi Teen”. But I will write it in my style. Ok, are you curious why I interested to write about it? Yeah, yeah, Because it is so interesting and can increase our knowledge about flower, is it right guys?
Lets read it...!!!

Do you know guys, carnation can used to express our love to our mom. Like Anna Jarvis story, she gave a rosy carnation to her mom at mom’s day. Actually, rosy carnation also can be sweet gift at our parents birthday. And red carnation means you really want to meet your mate. and white carnation means that you are really love your mate. Ouch... so sweet....
Orchid usual used to express the proud and admire feeling. It usual gave from fans to the idol. Which, Golden orchid can express that you praise a girl because she is beauty and smart.
Yeah, Aster is symbol of friendship. It can used to express that you are happy because she is happy too. You can give this flower at your best friend wedding party or when your best friend get success in her study or career.
For some boys, wild lily is bad flower, even so bad. Why??? Because it express that the girl refuse your love. So, for the girls, don’t get confuse to arrange statement to refuse love from someone. Just give a wild lily for him. So easy guys....
Feel upset heart after fight with your mate? and you don’t want to meet him/her. OK, just give him/her a gladiolus. Because this flower used to express that his/her statement brisk your deepest heart.
Gerbera is a flower that used to serious thing that comes from deepest heart. It express that you are so serious and want her to marry with you... ouch so sweet.... You should know, Garbera has so deep meaning. It tell that your mate is your true love and you can’t life without her.
You know that, there are many various colors of seashore. So, there is different meaning of each color. OK, silver seashore is symbol of friendship. Red seashore express love to your opposite sex. And the white seashore express that you are really believe with your mate. and the worst one is yellow seashore, because it express that you love your mate but there is someone that you love more than your mate...
I think you should know that rose has been in America since 35billion years ago... that is why there are so many meanings of this flower. But commonly rose is used to express love to his mate. there are many various colors of rose. Red rose express that you love her. Yellow rose express that you love someone more than your mate. and the worst is white rose, because it express that you want to leave her... ouch, so poor...
Jasmine is symbol of new friend or just usual friend. So, if you close with someone, and you know she/he has other feeling (special feeling) for you and which you don’t have same feeling, just give him/her a jasmine. It means you only want he/she be your friend.
The wonderful of this flower expresses your thanks or wonderfulness. For example, you can give this flower to the teacher, your parents, your grand parents .
Boys, if you feel sure that the girl will accept your love, you can give her tiger lily, but if you felt so broken heart with her, because you think she is not appreciate the things that you’ve done for her, you can express it with give her white lily. But if you want to be her friend, you can give her valley lily.
You know guys, in Europa, tulip is so popular, that is why they make group Tuliptomania for the Tulip lover. Cool.... the shape of tulip is like bell. If you want to express for your mate that you really love her. And if you are very like with her smile, you can give her yellow tulip.
........... That’s all I have, thank for reading. And don’t forget to be careful when you want to give flower to your mate as expression of your feeling ..........