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Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010
example of procedure text
Post by blog widya at 7/10/2010 12:33:00 AM 0 komentar
Label: example of procedure text
example of narrative
On Speeding Raid
When I still at the first class of senior high school, there was a drama class. It is one of the extracurricular that provided by my school. It did not hold at school but in Taman Budaya which far from my house and also so far from my school. However, I was very interested for this extracurricular class. So, even though it was far, I still followed this class.
I went there with my friend by rided a motorcycle. Actually, both of us did not have rider license, and also did not like wear standard helmet, but we reckless to go there. There was many polices at the road. I and my friend so worry about it. We only hoped there was no raid. When we saw the police from far away, we always rided motorcycle near the car in order to the police could not see us.
One day, when we on the way to go home, we were caught by traffic jam. There was a police who regulated road. We felt so worry because we did not wear standard helmet. We rided motorcycle near the car, but unfortunately it was very jammed. We could not move our motorcycle to go far from the police. The police came to us and took my motorcycle key. Then, he asked us to go to his post office which not far from us.
When we arrived at the office, we left our motorcycle at there without talked first with the police. We went not far from from the office. I checked my wallet to look for the vehicle registration, but I could not find it. We became more afraid, and did not brave to go to the office. The police looked at for us from faraway. I thought he must confused with what I and my friend did.
After quite long we did not come to the office, the police called us again. I and my friend went to him with full of worry. At there, he did not ask about rider license and vehicle registration, but he let us go. I did not know why he let us go, maybe because he yarned for us. He just gave us an advice that we should wear standard helmet. We were so thank for him. After that day, I and my friend always wear standard helmet.
Post by blog widya at 7/10/2010 12:28:00 AM 0 komentar
Rabu, 07 Juli 2010
example of recount
The Worst Night
On Tuesday November 11th 2009 at 10.00 pm, I was just finished my class. At the halte, my boyfriend was waiting for me. He wanted to borrow my flash disk and picked me up too. Then, we went to my home together, but we were caught by rain on the way. So, we took shelter in a small shop. After about 30 minutes, we decided to continue our trip to my home.
After we arrived at my home, we felt hungry. We decided to eat noodle. Because there was no noodle in my house, we bought the noodle at the small market. We cooked and ate it together. When we ate the noodle, there was rain, so hard rain. Until we finished eating the noodle, it was still raining. So, we waited until the rain stopped. Eventually, the rain did not stop. So, I should let him go even though my heart said no.
It was dark and raining. After about an hour I was still waiting for his message. Suddenly, I got a call from from unknown number. It was from a man, he told me that my boyfriend got an accident and he was in the hospital. I was so shocked and felt so sad.
After heard that, I woke my parents up and told about it. I and my parents went to hospital. At there, I saw him and his parents. He lied down without energy. I came closer to him and wiped and cleaned up his pains. I stayed there until at 06.00 pm and then went home.
Post by blog widya at 7/07/2010 09:18:00 PM 0 komentar
Label: example of recount
example of annecdote
Revenge Of A Monkey
Are you afraid with monkey? How if suddenly the monkey come to you and climb your body? A nasty one too!
My parents just came home and took a little monkey. My mother said it from Kakap. My sister were happy but I’m not. I don’t know why I don’t like monkey. Fortunately, there was no cage in my house. So, we gave the monkey to my uncle who lived not far from my house. My uncle’s family were happy for it and they also had the cage to the monkey.
The monkey save in the cage which put in front of my uncle’s house. So, when I came to my uncle’s house, I always passed the monkey. My naughty desire appeared, I bothered the monkey. I shocked the monkey and made the monkey felt so angry. However the monkey could not do anything for me because it in the cage. After that, I laughed at it and left the monkey.
One day, the monkey escaped it self from the cage. The monkey run to the higher place. My uncle’s family called the monkey and asked the monkey to went back but the monkey did not care with them. I did not know the monkey escaped from the cage. Like usual, I came to my uncle’s house. However, suddenly the monkey came to me and climbed my body. I did not know where the monkey came from. I could not avoid it again, I only could shouted and cried. I felt so shocked and afraid. Fortunately, others came soon and took the monkey into cage.
After that, they calm me and also laughed at me. I felt so annoyed with them. They said that I made the monkey went back. After that I realized, I thought the monkey revenge with me. That is why when the monkey saw me, it direct to came to me to reply the revenge all this time.
Post by blog widya at 7/07/2010 08:56:00 PM 0 komentar
Label: example of annecdote
Senin, 28 Juni 2010
....................LOVE DICTIONARY......................
'His words SIMPLE, DIFFICULT express'
We all Knew it is hard to say 'I LOVE YOU' to Someone we love. Maybe you wondered in your heart you own, why is very hard to say three words to the people we love? Though he was already in front of our eyes. And many more questions what, why, how, and others who are in our minds.
I understand how difficult it is to say three words. Moreover, if someone had already penetrated into our souls. Finally a make ourselves hard to eat, insomnia, restless, often not the concentration, whatever it is. Who are in our thoughts and ourselves is think he's a. But, I want you to know that those feelings must be expressed. The reasons are:
1. In order for us to be relieved and not constantly haunted by a sense of curiosity.
2. In order for him to know our true feelings.
3. So we also know how much guts and courage we had in revealing something.
4. For him to be our life partner.
5. In order for someone to be encouragement of our lives.
If you already understand the reason, surely there are still other reasons. Maybe you or her feel that something like this:
1. Very Shy.
Let alone tell me love, he addressed it, we are still without a word and instantly we become rosy cheeks. This property should we get rid of immediately. If we are ready and intentions, he's facing right now. You inhale deeply as possible, he said with simple words, hi. And do not forget to smile.
2. Not sure he has the same feelings with us.
If we have a feeling this one, then we should find out first. One way is to approach friends. Start by talking to ordinary. Do not directly ask about him. Do not forget also, paste the questions about her conversations among you. Keep menyakan not too much so they did not suspect.
3. He was popular and became an idol.
Very hard to get closer to us that being an idol around it. He always had many friends, the center of attention, and always seemed busy with all her friends are. Try to be friends with him first, and start member little attention to him so he feels happy to be with you.
4. Type 'difficult'.
The point is he could be a quiet person, or very ignorant, or very cold, or very relaxed, or something else. The trick is that we can balance the character alone. Guaranteed to get attention. For example, he ignored the man, then we have to balance it with a bit serious, a little more carefully, and be a reminder.
5. Prestige.
Do not have a character like this if you want to get it. If it had seized them, you can cry later.
6. Difference in degree.
One thing you must know, it was just a man-made degrees, can be changed if our minds are all open. Love knows no degree.
7. Fear of being laughed at a friend.
We are not afraid to be ridiculed by them. They sneer or laugh at us does not mean they do not provide support. Positive thinking just that they are just happy to know we are weird for falling in love again.
8. Fear of rejection.
Do not be afraid, ya.. Whose name is love, there are only two possibilities, accepted or rejected. Let's face it first, just accept the fact.
So, for our courage is not faded by the points above, ye shall know when and how to say those three magic words.
1. Make sure he's single.
2. When she is happy or vulnerable because of their broken love.
3. Try to go for both him alone.
4. The existence of special moments like Prom Nite, New Year's Eve, birthday parties, etc.
Post by blog widya at 6/28/2010 06:22:00 AM 0 komentar
Jumat, 25 Juni 2010
....................LOVE DICTIONARY......................
Guys, I'm sure all of you knew about Valentine Day, but not all people care about Valentine's Day. However, for ypu who want to have
Valentine's impressive, I'm going to tell you some tips taht can make your Valentine's to be very special. Do you want to know? Let's check it out.
1. Cool
Cool here does not mean fresh as a refrigerator. The point here is that these attitudes often more noticed by others. And also tend to prefer that we resolve this one
2. Be Yourself
You do not think you are cool attitude like this, you really become the person that you calm down and eliminate the actual identity. As long as you know only yourself to become more palatable. A person will also receive our more advanced it is when our own
3. Neat and Clean
If you have to be cool and be yourself, but when you are dirty, there will be no also glanced at you. Even my friends and companions, they were also reluctant to want to close to you.
4. Smart
Intelligent person, visible from the way he spoke, the way he saw, how to give an opinion, her body language, and others. So, fill your head with knowledge in order not to miss any information. A lot of reading and visiting new places to add to our knowledge.
If all these requirements have you met, then you also have the conditions to be able to take her out to the show valentine.
1. Single
If you're not alone, or already have a partner, there is nobody who will ask you out
2. Cute
Cute is relative. If you have fulfilled all the requirements of the above, but if you're not cute, you'll look cute too.
3. Approach
You find out your hobbies and favorite. If you are close to the him, then try to approach your friend and also his friends.
4. Small Gifts
If you want to make your boyfriend, you try to give small gifts as a sign of your attention to him. The goal here is accepted that the opportunity for you to be his girlfriend to grow.
5. Give Signal
He will never invite you out if he did not know whether we like it or not. Send him an sms, give him a small concerns, or just to say hello to him.
Post by blog widya at 6/25/2010 05:57:00 AM 0 komentar
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010
.................LOVE DICTIONARY............................
Never get a date?? Or confuse how to get a date?
OK guys, I will give you some advice to get a date…
Let me tell you…
First, you should select your target. You should make sure who the target that you really have chemistry with his/her. Then, you should looking for the information about her/him. You collect the information as much as possible, what does he/she like, hobby, favorite food, favorite film, or other things that you think important or something that you think can help you to get closer with your target.
After that, you should make your target interested to you by smile at your target, give a little attention to your target or other things. After your target interested to you, you should introduce your self to your target. Or if you shy to introduce your self to your target, you can ask your friend to introduce yor self to your target. After that you should give intensive attention to your target by often send messages, call by phone, often comment in her/his statues or other things that can show your care for him/her. By your attention, your target could know that you like his/her. It’s the time,, invite your target to have a date. Because this is you first date, you should choose the casual date, don’t go to the romantic place because it can make she/he think you as playboy/playgirl. You can go to a cafe, a book shop or watching movie. After this, its up to you to tell to your target that you love him/her.
That’s all,,
Thanks for reading….
Post by blog widya at 6/16/2010 03:37:00 AM 0 komentar
Rabu, 02 Juni 2010
19 Ways To Conquer Him
1. Giving attention
2. Be yourself
3. Follow his hobby
4. There’s always time for him
5. Give surprise
6. Familiar with his family
7. Show your feeling
8. Enter to his environment
9. Remember his days
10. Get closer with his friend
11. Give comfort feeling for him
12. A shoulder to cry on
13. Have cool perform
14. faith
15. Keep in touch
16. Active
17. Don’t to lie
18. Patient
19. Treat well
Post by blog widya at 6/02/2010 11:06:00 PM 0 komentar
Kamis, 27 Mei 2010
.................LOVE DICTIONARY............................

Guys, this is the new one from me....
Do you like flower? Yeah, almost all people like flower, especially female. Yeah, flower often be something special to express your feeling. Each flower has each meaning, do you know it?! So, in order to you don’t give wrong flower to someone,, I’ll give you the meaning of the flower. Actually, I got it from a magazine “Fantasi Teen”. But I will write it in my style. Ok, are you curious why I interested to write about it? Yeah, yeah, Because it is so interesting and can increase our knowledge about flower, is it right guys?
Lets read it...!!!

Do you know guys, carnation can used to express our love to our mom. Like Anna Jarvis story, she gave a rosy carnation to her mom at mom’s day. Actually, rosy carnation also can be sweet gift at our parents birthday. And red carnation means you really want to meet your mate. and white carnation means that you are really love your mate. Ouch... so sweet....
Orchid usual used to express the proud and admire feeling. It usual gave from fans to the idol. Which, Golden orchid can express that you praise a girl because she is beauty and smart.
Yeah, Aster is symbol of friendship. It can used to express that you are happy because she is happy too. You can give this flower at your best friend wedding party or when your best friend get success in her study or career.
For some boys, wild lily is bad flower, even so bad. Why??? Because it express that the girl refuse your love. So, for the girls, don’t get confuse to arrange statement to refuse love from someone. Just give a wild lily for him. So easy guys....
Feel upset heart after fight with your mate? and you don’t want to meet him/her. OK, just give him/her a gladiolus. Because this flower used to express that his/her statement brisk your deepest heart.
Gerbera is a flower that used to serious thing that comes from deepest heart. It express that you are so serious and want her to marry with you... ouch so sweet.... You should know, Garbera has so deep meaning. It tell that your mate is your true love and you can’t life without her.
You know that, there are many various colors of seashore. So, there is different meaning of each color. OK, silver seashore is symbol of friendship. Red seashore express love to your opposite sex. And the white seashore express that you are really believe with your mate. and the worst one is yellow seashore, because it express that you love your mate but there is someone that you love more than your mate...
I think you should know that rose has been in America since 35billion years ago... that is why there are so many meanings of this flower. But commonly rose is used to express love to his mate. there are many various colors of rose. Red rose express that you love her. Yellow rose express that you love someone more than your mate. and the worst is white rose, because it express that you want to leave her... ouch, so poor...
Jasmine is symbol of new friend or just usual friend. So, if you close with someone, and you know she/he has other feeling (special feeling) for you and which you don’t have same feeling, just give him/her a jasmine. It means you only want he/she be your friend.
The wonderful of this flower expresses your thanks or wonderfulness. For example, you can give this flower to the teacher, your parents, your grand parents .
Boys, if you feel sure that the girl will accept your love, you can give her tiger lily, but if you felt so broken heart with her, because you think she is not appreciate the things that you’ve done for her, you can express it with give her white lily. But if you want to be her friend, you can give her valley lily.
You know guys, in Europa, tulip is so popular, that is why they make group Tuliptomania for the Tulip lover. Cool.... the shape of tulip is like bell. If you want to express for your mate that you really love her. And if you are very like with her smile, you can give her yellow tulip.
........... That’s all I have, thank for reading. And don’t forget to be careful when you want to give flower to your mate as expression of your feeling ..........
Post by blog widya at 5/27/2010 12:02:00 AM 0 komentar
Label: the meaning of flower
Kamis, 13 Mei 2010
.................LOVE DICTIONARY............................
Actually there are many things that you can do for it. but in here, I will give you some of my best advices...
just read it....
Be natural and do not too show up who you are. Even though you are rich, you should stay be a simple person. It will make you look different and will get more attention from him/her. you should believe each person has different personality.
Always try to smile in every occasion. Smile also can make you are nice to see. And he/she also think you are interesting, friendly and easy going. Because of that, other people will not afraid to start greeting you and to get closer with you.
It is mean you should show that you have good achievement in many things. the key is you should be able make he/she see the other side of you ( the positive side of you ).
Be yourself
If you be your self , other people will think you have big confident. At least, she/he know who you are. People do not like if you make yourself to look similar with other. You will look like a looser.
Clapping eyes on
Do not to caste down when she /he is talking with you, make her/him impressed with your gaze. Pay attention for every word from him/her. But do not flirt flirty , because it can make her/him think you are not a nice person.
Post by blog widya at 5/13/2010 06:37:00 AM 0 komentar
Rabu, 05 Mei 2010
.................LOVE DICTIONARY............................
6 kinds of love
Hi guys..... in here, I want to write about 6 kinds of love. There are Eros, Ludus, Mania, Storage, Pragma and Agape. You can read the characteristic, so you can decide it which one is you, by your self.
Just enjoy it....
^Romantic and Passionate Love^
Eros is one of kinds of love which configurance physical, romantic, and erotic. Follower of this love believe love first sight. They also have strong anxiety for the physic performance, emotion and also the strongth commitment for the couple. This love often experienced by teenagers. Passionate enthusiasm and brave take risks. In relationship, they think huge and kiss are important. Commonly, the warmth that perceived until the first three months.
^Game Playing Love^
Cassanova, the prince of playboy is one of example Ludus followers. Ludus is one kinds of love which full of game scenes, allurement, and cooed sweet talk that never end. The followers of this love never serious in love. They are very easy to fed up with the couple who “give up” after success to be subjugated in puirsuit of tirelessly. The positif is the followers of this love are full confidence, because to have love games are needed to have strong personality. This love is superficial and easy to switch.
^Combination Of Ludus and Eros^
This love is not too difficulct to be found because it has many followers. Mania is a kinds of love which obsesif, full of jealous, like to domineer and depend of the couple. Their love are often debauchee. This love demand extra attention from the couple. World like crack of doom if they broken heart. This kind of love can be perceived when they fell afraid to split, jealous and posessif. This step change the courtship be more real. More and more you know about your couple you will more love your couple. The problem is you always agree what he/she do and contrarily you never let he/she knows about your defectiveness.
^Friendship Love^
This love crop up from experienced together in a friendship. So that steady and expect can hold out in a long time. Commonly, this love experienced by them who who have in courtship for 6 – 12 months or a year. People often say “my sweetheart is my best friend” but don’t be woory, the amour is not passionate again, because you always fell happy together with her/him. She/he will not fell shock when you in kink condition. And also the contrarily, you do not always agree with her/his opinion, till sometime you will get great dispute.
^Combination Of Storage and Ludus^
This love usual followed by them who do not have mature personality. The pragmatis people are realistic and practice. That is why, the Pragma follower also like that. Decide something without romantic at all. The pragma which rational and full of considerable is combination of Storage and Ludus. In a courtship, Pragma is the love stage when enter 12 – 18 months. Togetherness that felt like when with the best friend. In this case, the trill love is not important again..
^CombinationOf Eros and Storage^
Agape always give without reward, the combination of Eros and Storage. This love is love that exceed the ego strength and physic. This is love which not egoist at all. Someone who take care her/his parents or even take care of disabled children faithfully is the shape of Agape love. Maybe in this love will appear a sentence“ only give and do not expect return” because this love is form of the highest love (true love).
Post by blog widya at 5/05/2010 07:54:00 AM 0 komentar
Label: six kinds of love
Kamis, 29 April 2010
.................LOVE DICTIONARY............................
Hi guys....
This is the new one of my blog. In my first posting, I wrote I just want to tell about my English. However, I think I need something interesting in my blog. So, I will be more focus about love. Ok, are you curious why I want to write about love and why I give my blog ttitle “Love dictionary”...
Ok guys... let me tell you...
Why LOVE................. ????!!!
Everybody needs love and everybody must ever felt love, Love from god, love from parents, love from friends, love from special person and many others. Love is a word that is very difficult to definite but, very easy to say, only few people can understand and felt real love. Love is not only give attention, understanding, faithfull, honestly but love is more than that.
Love is so familiar. Many songs, movies, stories and others that tell about love. So, love is very inspiratif. People can create remerkable things by love.
I believe “Love is Miracle”
Do you agree with me???
Why Love Dictionary......................??!!
We know dictionary is a list of the words of a language in alphabetical order and explain what they mean. I think dictionary is very complete. Dictionary contains manything, it is like world window. And in this love dictionary, I will write many things about love based on my own thingking and my experiences and from book that I ever read........
Ok. First, I want to share about a book that I ever read. I think this book is very interesting and unique. Why? Because this book contains brief alphabet A to Z that is related with love...
Ok, keep reading please !!!
These are A to Z
A = Affection
Affection is expression of your love feeling for someone or something. If you love someone, you will give attention like you care for yourself. Even you can be more care for him/her than For your self. The affection always be proved by do something that could make you happy, like send a simple sms, greeting and many other things.
B = Believe
Love needs believe each other, if you are not believe your couple, it’s better you dont to have relationship with him/her. I Gde Prama said “believe love is believe miracle” it means everything maybe will occur with love which supported by strong believe. And you should know, believe will appear faithful.
C = Care
One of evidences of your love is care. don't ever insignificant "care". care is like supplement which can make your love be stronger. care can make you fell be more important person.
D = Dare
We know love needs sacrifice or contrary, love can makes a person be courageous person even thought actually he is sheepish. for example, you sacrifice to your love until you forgot to save your self .
E = Ease
believe or not, love can give ease to your life by affection, care and giving. if we fell love we will fell ease
F = Fragrance
we ever listened "say it with flower" , and we know it is often used to give expression your love. as we know flower is romantic and fragrant and then people symbolize it as fragrance.
G = Giving
in a relationship, we should give priority to how to reciprocate each other because by giving the best to our couples we will fell very happpy.
H = Honesty
Honesty is a key of all attitudes. when you tell about honest thing you will fell save because you are not fell guilty. I believe your couple must be more like if you honest even thought it is very hurt.
I = Impulse
Love is impulse. love is like maneuver that we can not guess when it will appear and lose. we can not make a plan to our love, like we want fall in love today, tomorrow or I don't want to fall in love forever.
J = Jealousy
when you are falling in love, you will fell jealous, it is like envy feeling or you fell you are the second important because your coupleshare her/his time to other thing. however, love is symbol of love but don't be possessive.
K = Kindle
Believe or not, love can be like a kindle to our life. sometime we hear someone die because of love and someone can recover by love. So, love can be as a curer but it also can be poison.
L = Listening
yes, this is one of characteristics of love. Many people forgot it. Listening is one of important thing that should we do to maintain your love. Actually listening is simple but it is very important. By listening, you can know what your couple wishes, what your minus and you can more understand each other.
M = Madness
Have you ever fell the madness when you are in love? Yes, usually people who are falling in love fell it. You may do something strange unconsciously. You will always thing about her/him, you often smile alone and sometime you can forget to eat. That is why love is amazing, because you can be crazy unconsciously.
N = Nature
Every body knows love is nature and it come from heart and no one can control it. Every one has love instinct so you don’t need to learn how to loving and be loved.
O = obedience
When you are in love, you will do every thing for your love and even you will obey for everything he/she say. Yes, this is one of love miracle. People can be the servant for love and will do everything for love even obey for it.
P = Pact
There is still connection between obedience and pact. Pact is one of obediences. Pact is an agreement between you and your couple. It also an agreement for your self. that is why many people announce officially their love by married.
Q = Quest
Every body has desire to has true love. The true love is the zenith of happiness. Yes, people quest for their true love.
R = Recognition
You should know, love needs recognition. This is one of ways to make your love comfort. For example, the selebrities don’t recognite their couples, so they undergo courtship by stealth. The other side, recognition for your mistakes, it is very impotant, so your couple will not fell upset hurt.
S = Sharing
Actually sharing is one of the purpose why you have couple. You can share everytihng with your couple. By often sharing each other, it can appear love feeling, that is why many people start their relationship by friendship. Because in friendship we often share each other.
T = Tale
Love is tale!! Yes, that is right !! when we are in love, we fell this world is ours, only you and your love adn you can do every thing that you want. There are many tale story about love, like Romeo-Juliet, Rama-Shinta and etc.
U = Understanding
In a relationship, you should to understanding each other, because we know every bode need to be understood. By understanding each other, you will find comfortable and you can mantain your love even you will find your true love.
V = Voyage
Love is voyage. Your love voyage began when you start your love or you just in a relationship, in here you will get some happiness and sadness thing but if you can throught all this you will have long voyage with your couple. The voyage is a journey to a place or situation that you want.
W = Wondrous
yes, love is wondrous for all people. Heart warming, happiness, of love can make people have a better life and energic to spend his/her life. That is why, by loe people can do something wondrous even stupid thing like kill by her/his self.
X = Xylography
When we are in love, we are like making a xylography. As more beautiful xylography that we created, semakin indah pula cintamu or contrary, you will make your xylography with hypocrisy.
Y = Yarn
When we are in love, we are like yarning something tat full of heart warming, patient, carefully, and softness to create a good result. Like in love, we do same thing to have a true love, to maintain it and t make it stronger
Z = Zenith
Zenith is or climax of the highest point of something. Yes, true love is the zenith of love. It is love of a life time. That is why every body works hard to find her/his true love.
Post by blog widya at 4/29/2010 12:47:00 AM 0 komentar
Label: love
.................LOVE DICTIONARY............................
Hi guys....
This is the new one of my blog. In my first posting, I wrote I just want to tell about my English. However, I think I need something interesting in my blog. So, I will be more focus about love. Ok, are you curious why I want to write about love and why I give my blog ttitle “Love dictionary”...
Ok guys... let me tell you...
Why LOVE................. ????!!!
Everybody needs love and everybody must ever felt love, Love from god, love from parents, love from friends, love from special person and many others. Love is a word that is very difficult to definite but, very easy to say, only few people can understand and felt real love. Love is not only give attention, understanding, faithfull, honestly but love is more than that.
Love is so familiar. Many songs, movies, stories and others that tell about love. So, love is very inspiratif. People can create remerkable things by love.
I believe “Love is Miracle”
Do you agree with me???
Why Love Dictionary......................??!!
We know dictionary is a list of the words of a language in alphabetical order and explain what they mean. I think dictionary is very complete. Dictionary contains manything, it is like world window. And in this love dictionary, I will write many things about love based on my own thingking and my experiences and from book that I ever read........
Ok. First, I want to share about a book that I ever read. I think this book is very interesting and unique. Why? Because this book contains brief alphabet A to Z that is related with love...
Ok, keep reading please !!!
These are A to Z
A = Affection
Affection is expression of your love feeling for someone or something. If you love someone, you will give attention like you care for yourself. Even you can be more care for him/her than For your self. The affection always be proved by do something that could make you happy, like send a simple sms, greeting and many other things.
B = Believe
Love needs believe each other, if you are not believe your couple, it’s better you dont to have relationship with him/her. I Gde Prama said “believe love is believe miracle” it means everything maybe will occur with love which supported by strong believe. And you should know, believe will appear faithful.
C = Care
One of evidences of your love is care. don't ever insignificant "care". care is like supplement which can make your love be stronger. care can make you fell be more important person.
D = Dare
We know love needs sacrifice or contrary, love can makes a person be courageous person even thought actually he is sheepish. for example, you sacrifice to your love until you forgot to save your self .
E = Ease
believe or not, love can give ease to your life by affection, care and giving. if we fell love we will fell ease
F = Fragrance
we ever listened "say it with flower" , and we know it is often used to give expression your love. as we know flower is romantic and fragrant and then people symbolize it as fragrance.
G = Giving
in a relationship, we should give priority to how to reciprocate each other because by giving the best to our couples we will fell very happpy.
H = Honesty
Honesty is a key of all attitudes. when you tell about honest thing you will fell save because you are not fell guilty. I believe your couple must be more like if you honest even thought it is very hurt.
I = Impulse
Love is impulse. love is like maneuver that we can not guess when it will appear and lose. we can not make a plan to our love, like we want fall in love today, tomorrow or I don't want to fall in love forever.
J = Jealousy
when you are falling in love, you will fell jealous, it is like envy feeling or you fell you are the second important because your coupleshare her/his time to other thing. however, love is symbol of love but don't be possessive.
K = Kindle
Believe or not, love can be like a kindle to our life. sometime we hear someone die because of love and someone can recover by love. So, love can be as a curer but it also can be poison.
L = Listening
yes, this is one of characteristics of love. Many people forgot it. Listening is one of important thing that should we do to maintain your love. Actually listening is simple but it is very important. By listening, you can know what your couple wishes, what your minus and you can more understand each other.
M = Madness
Have you ever fell the madness when you are in love? Yes, usually people who are falling in love fell it. You may do something strange unconsciously. You will always thing about her/him, you often smile alone and sometime you can forget to eat. That is why love is amazing, because you can be crazy unconsciously.
N = Nature
Every body knows love is nature and it come from heart and no one can control it. Every one has love instinct so you don’t need to learn how to loving and be loved.
O = obedience
When you are in love, you will do every thing for your love and even you will obey for everything he/she say. Yes, this is one of love miracle. People can be the servant for love and will do everything for love even obey for it.
P = Pact
There is still connection between obedience and pact. Pact is one of obediences. Pact is an agreement between you and your couple. It also an agreement for your self. that is why many people announce officially their love by married.
Q = Quest
Every body has desire to has true love. The true love is the zenith of happiness. Yes, people quest for their true love.
R = Recognition
You should know, love needs recognition. This is one of ways to make your love comfort. For example, the selebrities don’t recognite their couples, so they undergo courtship by stealth. The other side, recognition for your mistakes, it is very impotant, so your couple will not fell upset hurt.
S = Sharing
Actually sharing is one of the purpose why you have couple. You can share everytihng with your couple. By often sharing each other, it can appear love feeling, that is why many people start their relationship by friendship. Because in friendship we often share each other.
T = Tale
Love is tale!! Yes, that is right !! when we are in love, we fell this world is ours, only you and your love adn you can do every thing that you want. There are many tale story about love, like Romeo-Juliet, Rama-Shinta and etc.
U = Understanding
In a relationship, you should to understanding each other, because we know every bode need to be understood. By understanding each other, you will find comfortable and you can mantain your love even you will find your true love.
V = Voyage
Love is voyage. Your love voyage began when you start your love or you just in a relationship, in here you will get some happiness and sadness thing but if you can throught all this you will have long voyage with your couple. The voyage is a journey to a place or situation that you want.
W = Wondrous
yes, love is wondrous for all people. Heart warming, happiness, of love can make people have a better life and energic to spend his/her life. That is why, by loe people can do something wondrous even stupid thing like kill by her/his self.
X = Xylography
When we are in love, we are like making a xylography. As more beautiful xylography that we created, semakin indah pula cintamu or contrary, you will make your xylography with hypocrisy.
Y = Yarn
When we are in love, we are like yarning something tat full of heart warming, patient, carefully, and softness to create a good result. Like in love, we do same thing to have a true love, to mantain it and t make it stronger
Z = Zenith
Zenith is or climax of the highest point of something. Yes, true love is the zenith of love. It is love of a life time. That is why every body works hard to find her/his true love.
Post by blog widya at 4/29/2010 12:44:00 AM 0 komentar
Senin, 12 April 2010
Learn by everything
Ok friends....
Now I want to tell you about learn. For me, learning is a process from don’t know be know and from don’t understand be understand. We can learn from everything. And the best way is learn from something do you like, maybe from your hobby like reading, writing, watching and etc.
I like reading joke, I think joke is very interesting. Joke is one of my ways in learning English. By reading joke I get many slangs and I find many new words that I don’t know before. When I read a joke, maybe I will find some difficult words, so I try to find their meanings and try to memories it. In here, I learn something in fun way, It is really interesting. Beside that there are some joke books and joke webs that completely with the translate of some difficult word, so you don’t have to open your dictionary to find the meaning.
This is a link about joke that maybe you can try,
For you who like watching, I think this is a good hobby that can help you to improve your English. Why I said that, because by watching (movie that use English) we not only look the picture but we also can improve our skill in listening and we also can look the text. We know how to mention some words because we can listen it.
The other way I get from my lecture. I think this is effective way to improve our English skill. I agree with him. I like his way in teach my class. Without many theories but practice it. He ask the students to register in English forum. In English forum we can do interaction with other people who want to learn English too in around the world. I have registered in two forums, that Dave ESL cafe and language English practice. For me, Language English practice is a bad forum, it is not help us to improve our English skill. Because there are many postings only about advertisement, there is not discussing, so we can’t to share our knowledge, but if you want to change this forum be a discussion forum to improve our English skill, you can register in this forum and we make discussing in this forum together. And about Dave ESL Cafe, I think this is a good enough forum. Because this forum is really forum discussion. You can post something about your problem in learn English that you want to discuses with other members and you also can give comments or replies in other members post, so you can share your knowledge. Actually, there are still many forums or communities that you can register to improve your English skill.
Post by blog widya at 4/12/2010 04:55:00 AM 0 komentar
Jumat, 02 April 2010
welcome to my blog...
actually, my blog is about my TL with ICT 2 lesson.
in here, I want to share everything that I have in learning English...
I'm sure English is interesting, isn't it? I believe all of you must be agree with this.....!!!
For me, English is so interesting and it has many advantages for us...
when the first time I knew about English is when I at four grade of elementary school, I followed an English course, it focused on conversation. I felt so interested, in my thinking, it was prestigious language because many of my friends still did not know about this language. so, I can show for them about my new knowledge.... , how chesty I was.. But it was success, it got good responds, many of my friends said " you are so great" and that made me happy and more diligent to improve my skill in English.
by the way, that thing is my past, and now not again.... that was just in my young experience, but I think my experience can be a good motivation to learn more about English.
so, the first advantage is for prestigious language.
the second is for final school exam
of course it is. as we know English lesson is one of the subject that is tested to pass the FSE,. So, we should have a good mark in English, isn't it?! I felt so lucky, because when I at junior and senior high school, I already had enough knowledge ( I mean I'm not too stupid because I have learned it from I was at elementary school), So, I got easier.
when I finished my senior high school, I had to extended to university. So, I had discussed with my family, which faculty that have good prospect for my future. and we decided English Faculty because I like English and I have learned it for many years and also, the most important is because English has good prospect for future. as we know, now many vacancies have requirements that the applicants should be able to speak English and they also are given English test.
So, I think the third advantage is to get a job
I think it is enough, and I will continue later
Post by blog widya at 4/02/2010 04:11:00 AM 1 komentar